Flag of Vatican City (GIF)

The flag of Vatican City (Latin: Vexillum Civitatis Vaticanae; Italian: Bandiera della Città del Vaticano) is a square flag that consists of two vertical bands, one gold or yellow and the other white, with the crossed keys of Saint Peter and the Papal Tiara centered in the white band. The gold and white colors are traditionally associated with the Papacy and reflect the dual nature of the Vatican City as both a spiritual and temporal power. The crossed keys represent the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, as mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, and symbolize the authority of Saint Peter, considered the first Pope. The silver and gold keys are bound together by a red cord, symbolizing the bond between spiritual and temporal authority in the Papacy. The Papal Tiara represents the spiritual leadership of the Pope as the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The flag embodies the spiritual and religious significance of the Vatican City and the authority vested in the Pope as the spiritual leader of the Catholic faith.

Adopted:June 7, 1929
Flag image:Animated GIF (25 frames looped)
Flag emoji code:🇻🇦
The coat of arms of the Vatican City on a waving white flag

The coat of arms of Vatican City, characterized by a striking red shield, showcases symbols akin to those depicted on the Vatican flag. These symbols prominently include the crossed keys of Saint Peter, one gold and one silver, representing the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and symbolizing the spiritual authority granted to Saint Peter by Jesus Christ. The crossed keys are bound together by a red cord, which signifies the unification of spiritual and temporal power within the Papacy. The presence of these symbols on the coat of arms underscores the enduring spiritual authority and historical significance of the Vatican City as the center of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican City flag is waving on a flagpole rising from the globe.

Vatican City, officially known as Vatican City State, is an independent state in Rome, Italy. Its capital is Vatican City, and its population is about 825 (2019).

The waving flag of Vatican City with its coat of arms (unofficial)
The waving vertical flag of Vatican City (Animated GIF)
Capital and largest city:Vatican City
Other major cities:none (city-state)
Official languages:Latin, Italian
Region:Southern Europe
Ethnic groups:Italian, Swiss, Argentinian
and others
Religion:Roman Catholicism
Nationality name:-
Area:0.44 km2 (0.17 sq mi)
Population:825 (2019)
Internet Top-Level Domain:.va
Calling code:+379
Keywords: Flag and coat of arms of Vatican City (Latin: Vexillum Civitatis Vaticanae; Italian: Bandiera e stemma della Città del Vaticano), GIF


Wikipedia changed the Vatican city flag:
February 15, 2024 at 4:41 AM
February 18, 2024 at 7:32 PM
Please add a version of the Vatican City flag as shown in the following URL
April 25, 2024 at 3:01 AM

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